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Great Basin National Park is a stunning display of contrast. At first glance the landscape of the park, with it mile after mile of desert and pale green shrubs, may strike you as monotonous. First impressions are deceptive here. In Great Basin National Park it's the altitude that determines the scenery. As one ascends the the slopes, of the mountainous park, sage brush gives way to saplings and the desert yields to an amazing oasis of life.

Thousands of feet above the desert floor this sanctuary abounds with thick forests, lakes, varieties of animals, and even a species of trout found nowhere else in the world; Isolated by this island in the sky. Wheeler Peak soars to over 13,000 feet protecting in its shadows, a rare sight in any desert, a glacier clinging to its side.

Perhaps the most popular attraction found at the parks lower elevation is Lehman Caves. One of the largest limestone caverns in the United States. Several tours are led through the caves most days. Great Basin... an oasis of life.

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Great Basin National Park

Useful Links

Official NPS Website
Tourism Council
Weather Forecast


National Parks and other popular destinations near Cedar City

Brian Head Ski Resort Grand Canyon NP Zion National Park
Bryce Canyon NP Great Basin NP Neil Simon Festival
Cedar Breaks NM Shakespearean Festival  

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Modified: 02/05/2007

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